Saturday, 1 March 2014

Prunus/Petai Trail, MacRitchie Park

2 March 2014

This is a great evening walk, through the reservoir and as if lost in the jungle but only to realise that it is the city within, when the walk is over. — at MacRitchie Nature Trail

"Most of MacRitchie is covered with secondary forest tree species but it still nurtures some of the last precious patches of primary rainforests in Singapore".

I love the Octopus Tree, didnt realise it was the same octopus tree that I took a long time to get from another neighbour in farmville.  It was a pleasant surprise, found as we were walking towards the reservoir.


  1. Hi, may I ask if I can use one of your photos for my school project? It's about the plants in Macrichite.

    1. Dear Matt, my apologies to have missed your message. Please feel free to use if it is not too late by now. Do share with me your project if you can. Thanks

    2. You can email me at
